Still in NY City …

Here’s where I lodged for the four days that I was in the city and you can tell by this lovely entryway that it was pretty posh. The interesting thing is that it was just a few blocks from where my husband and I and our three children lived in the early ’60’s. The big difference is that when we lived there it was not considered a particularly desirable area and I guess that’s why we could afford it !
It had been years since I’d taken the Ferry to Staten Island and I was pleased that Wendy wanted to do that too. As you all probably know it is FREE and a wonderful way to get up close to the Statue of Liberty & to really view Manhattan on the way back …so, off we went.

I love this picture, even though it is not very clear. I wanted to show the cross section of humanity that was on the ferry really touched my heart to see that while viewing the grand lady.
Going back uptown we got on the wrong bus but were lucky to have a wonderful driver who didn’t charge us anything and took us to where we could make the right connection. Speaking of bus drivers I have to say that I’ve never seen a nicer bunch than those in New York. I watched countless times as they aided elders and joked with the young children who they obviously knew from busing them to school and back. There was even a time when one driver aided a young girl in a wheel chair up and over a ramp that he’d put down and affixed her safely to the floor. Then, about 6 stops later, he reversed the procedure and deposited her to the care of a woman who was obviously waiting for her. It was heart warming to see all the smiles it elicited.
Still on the bus theme: at one point two UPS guys hopped aboard carrying a load of packages:
I couldn’t resist it and asked “Did your truck break down?” The look they gave me was enough for me to know that I was just one of many who had thought that was a funny line. Barely looking at me one of the men mumbled something about being the “on the ground footmen of the company”…something I didn’t know even existed. So, as the old adage says “you learn something new every day” !
We finally got back to the apartment in time for a light supper and then off to Lincoln Center … (details coming…)
10 Comments: really had a good trip!! I have done the ferry ride and found it fascinating to see the city from that perspective.
Ginnie--you are visiting one of my favorite cities...of course, when our daughter lived there it was my favorite. And when she lived ...well, you get the picture.
New York is endlessly fascinating. And it is great to hear that human kindness prevails.
This was very interesting and informative. In the years that I was attempting, mostly unsuccessfully, to fiddle, there was a tune called Staten Island Ferry. It had a little toot toot in it. I didn't know the ferry was free.
It was also interesting to read about the bus drivers. I think the Ottawa drivers could take lessons. I really shouldn't;t say that as I live outside the city and don't take the buses, but it's just an impression that I have picked up.
Oh how brave you are. In my old age I would not dare try to do that. Cities scare the crap outta me.
Nice pics... UPS on a bus? Who wouldda thunk it?
Great that you had nice bus drivers!
I was just a puppy when I took the Staten Island Ferry but I still remember it. I loved that picture of the cross section of humanity.
That bus driver was really special. You don't often hear about things like that. Good to know.
I really like that ferry. And the many different people who live in NY--the orthodox Jew with earlocks makes the photo especially interesting.
I am loving reading these entries, Ginnie. I have never been to New York City. I love that photo too.
(hoping this works!)
When I was growing up in Plainfield, NJ, one of my favorite weekend excursions in my yiung adukt years was taking the bus into Port Authority and then travelling around the city. Things have surely changed in the years since, of course, but your posts bring back some nice memories, Ginnie.
I always wanted to go to NY and I was even married to a New Yorker at one point but he wouldn't take me to the city.
Sounds so nice. This country has always been a melting pot even though now it seems we really want to keep people out.
Love the view of Lady Liberty. My great-grandfather's name is carved on the 'Wall of Fame' in the immigrant reception room on Ellis Island. I always thought Lady Liberty was on Ellis Island?
So what was the name of the place you stayed in NYC? Very nice entryway. Was it nice inside?
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