Guess what ?
I've been hired by this amazing website to write a weekly blog for them. It is an online marketplace geared to individuals with disabilities and to the products they have found that make their lives easier.
Their founder/president is a young man named Justin Farley who, although facing his own limitations and life in a wheelchair, decided to put that aside and to follow his dream. He is definitely a person who “lives his life without boundaries”, as it says on their home page.
When their facilitator Lisa contacted me she told me that they were looking for a network of bloggers with various disabilities or limitations writing about ways that they “unlimited” their lives. She said the reason they were contacting me was because they felt I could represent the older population which (despite being in the majority) are often overlooked.
I don’t have a physical disability, per se, but I surely have the aches and pains and difficulties that go along with being 80 and that’s what I plan to write about. And here’s where I turn to you, my blogging family ! If any of you have faced limitations and/or are living a life with medical disabilities I would love to hear from you. Please email me with your thoughts and your recommendations.
Although their website is a marketplace Justin and Lisa have given me a blank slate and I am free to fill it as I see fit. It does not have to be based on products so that gives me wide leverage and I hope, with your help, to chronicle the ways that we break out of the chains and lead lives without limits matter how old we may be !
Oh my, a paying job yet. Congratulations big time. Will think on that and get back to you.
Mine are mostly just aches and pains also.
Congratulations! I know you will do a splendid job. I hope it turns out to be lots of fun.
I am sure you still remember me...
How are you dear?
Hooray! You will bring so much and I will follow along.
Thanks for your return visit to my blog land... have been wonderful with three grandchildren now...
Sounds cool. Keep us posted. Maybe some of us will have ideas as time goes on.
How fun for you a new adventure
Congratulations on your next big step! :)
I don't really have any complaints. Although I have arthritis I am fairly mobile. My garden helps me stay in shape and walking my dogs helps too.
Have fun with your new adventure. Dianne
I have osteoarthritis which can become crippling, but I stay active with gardening and dogs. Thus, I have no complaints at present.
Have fun with your new adventure.
Oh how exciting!
As you know, I was told years ago I would never walk again, but I refused to accept that! I was in my 30s! So, the wheelchair stays in the barn most of the time... comes out for special occasions - like civic centers, arenas, etc where there is no way I can walk from point A to B, let alone G or H! Perhaps my post about using those garden bags and a sTAND-uP GARDEN? oops, caps. sorry.
Good for you, Ginnie. Sounds like an interesting project. The only ideas I have would be dealing with dementia and of course, alcoholism.
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