searching my blog entries today I came across this one that I posted
in July
of 2011.
it word for word today because I can't
get over how eerily apocalyptic it was and
I repeat the last line … I pray it's not too late.

is not my usual type of entry but bear with me … I am so fed up and
frustrated that I just have to get this off my chest.
many of us voted for change in 2008 and we were thrilled to have
Obama elected. The first two years were a challenge but, little by
little we could see progress. Maybe…just maybe… the powers that
be would listen to the middle class … maybe we’d have a chance
for survival.
then came the mid-term elections and we, who had elected Obama,
COMPLETELY LET HIM DOWN. We failed to come out in droves, like we did
when he ran in 2008, and the result is what we have today … a
completely divided Washington and a bunch of fanatical right wingers
who tell us lies and are determined to undermine every single
proposal put forth by the Democrats… or even their own more
moderate party members.
happened to Statesmanship? When did compromise become a dirty word?
We are now being held hostage by a completely self-absorbed bunch of
Tea Party Republicans and we have NOONE TO BLAME BUT OURSELVES !
have no idea how this fiasco will unfold but I hope that we’ve
learned a powerful lesson...and I pray it's not too late.
I know exactly how you were feeling then and see the repeat now. Our checks and balances are often too effective.
The fiasco hasn't unfolded too well.
So appropriate for today!
We have an election later this year. I fear for the results!
and then, unimaginably it got even worse...:(
It’s strangely ironic, and sometimes unfortunate, that history repeats itself...and not always in good ways.
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