Today a blogger friend asked if I’d seen any signs of Spring yet. He only lives 4 hours South-east of me so you would think we’d be on the same weather schedule but that’s often not the case. He is on the ocean and that makes a huge difference.
Anyway, I can report that it’s still a bit early in my neck of the woods to have any overt signs of spring, except, of course, for the robins. However, yesterday and today the temperature rose to over 70 degrees and they were the nicest days we’ve had for a long time.
My daughter and her husband, on the other hand, (who are staying with me until April), can report a far different story for their home in New York. Recently his brother made a ride-by to check out their house and he took the following picture. It’s a bit blurry but you can see the snow and the doe ogling the photographer. What is not clear is that the snow was actually over two feet deep and encrusted with a thick layer of ice. The deer’s weight is spread across the entire body so she didn’t sink down to her knees like his brother did !

Our United States has had a topsy-turvy weather year and none of us have been safe from Mother Nature’s wrath; but, here in North Carolina we’ve been very lucky on the whole and I’m truly grateful for that.
Thanks for asking, Syd.
Yes, we've had our share of poor weather - but nothing like some parts of the country.
Yes it has been a wild and crazy winter all over! Our temps in Southern Illinois have been 40's,50's and 60's lately and I am grateful and very pleased to see the sunshine again! Love Di ♥
It went up to 50°F here the other day. Mind you, it was bitterly cold and windy the next day.
It has been warmish. Actually got to turn the heat off for a couple days outside (cat beds, birdbath, heated water bowl, greenhouse lights) as nothing was going to freeze. Our house in the Poconos is getting buried in snow this morning, and so we are lucky at 50 degrees here. Very lucky.
Your bulbs up yet? Mine are finally thru the ground.
What a great shot of the robin!
They are predicting snow for us and I am leaving home today to be with my grand daughter who is having some surgery. I hope I can get home this weekend.
The red buds are blooming here. I am glad that spring is nearly here. There is a lot to do in the garden which will keep me busy while C. is recuperating. April would still be cold in Virginia when I lived there.
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