Friday, November 16, 2018

Foul fowl …

Where I live, in North Carolina, this is a common sight and it never fails to turn my stomach ! In case you can’t make it out (I was in slow traffic when I snapped this and it’s not too clear) it is a full truck-load of filthy dirty cages that are packed to the gills with live chickens.

Chickens are transported to the slaughterhouse in crates stacked on the back of trucks, like this one, and they aren’t protected at all from weather conditions. You can actually see them gasping for air in the oppressive summer heat. Just the smell alone, as you pass one of these huge trucks in traffic, is enough to make me gag. Many of the chickens die before they reach their destination and perhaps that is a blessing.

As I understand it, when the truck arrives at the slaughterhouse the crates are picked up by a crane and the chickens are dumped on to a conveyor belt. Then they are “stunned” and hung up before being processed.  If it weren’t for free-range chickens I would never eat poultry again. Just compare this picture with the first one …

Look how happy they are ! Although these chickens are destined to grace our tables at least they are content beforehand and allowed to run free.   Bon appetit …

PS: I don't like that only Google members can post on my blog. If you want to leave a comment feel free to email it to me at  & I will post it. 


Blogger Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I made a mistake while writing this post and actually posted it early by mistake. It was only up for a few minutes but my eagle-eyed Canadian friend AC saw it and left this comment on my last post …

Anvilcloud said...
I saw the chicken post, even though you haven't published it yet. I understand. The conditions are sad.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

From my daughter:

“It’s hard to believe this kind of treatment is accepted in this day and age. Corporate Greed! If you must eat meat please think about where it comes from. Just because they have small brains doesn’t mean they don’t suffer, death should be merciful even for chickens. Thanks for posting this” Jody

4:28 AM  
Blogger NCmountainwoman said...

Those trucks give me such an awful feeling. I agree and I'm thankful to be able to afford chickens who lived better lives until they gave it up for me.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Arkansas Patti said...

We have those awful trucks in Arkansas also. I got behind one like you and it broke my heart. Most in the truck I was following were dead or near it but for one that kept running back and forth in the tiny cage. It was like he knew what was coming and wanted out. I wanted to follow the truck to try to buy that chicken but didn't. Still regret it today.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Marie Smith said...

Oh, Ginnie! Such awful treatment of the poor animals!

4:39 PM  
Blogger possum said...

Ah, yes... the chicken trucks. Therefore chicken 'houses' - and they are everywhere here on the shore. you might not SEE them, many are on the back roads, but I promise, you can smell them when the wind is just right. Here are some statistics for those of you who might be interested:
There are pictures of the thousands of birds packed in these giant chicken barns.
A young man I work with is a felon and not many people will hire him. But he got a job working on a 'chicken farm.' His job is to spend his days walking thru 2 or 3 different chicken houses picking up dead chickens. That is all he does all day long. Most all the other workers are Mexican. No one else wants to work there... but no one thinks about it when they order up a load of hot wings, or buy that fried chicken at that fast food place... And as the other big question looms over us, where does all their waste go? You know the answer...

5:19 AM  
Blogger possum said...

This is an even better article, excellent video... well from a statistics point of view, but living with this many chicken houses is a nightmare. But they LOOK so nice and efficient, I have been told.
Also, those nice big chickens on those trucks are only 5 weeks old. 5 weeks!
that's thanks to growth hormones and anti-biotics.
We have little girls in our schools who are having to wear bras and have, shall we say, matured... in 2nd grade.
You are what you eat.

5:35 AM  
Blogger Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

From my Blogger fan Big John in England:

It's just the same here in the UK. This is part of an old newspaper report ...

"Around 6,800 birds in cages were thrown across a four-lane carriageway on Wednesday morning after the HGV transporting them hit the central reservation, spilling its load.
Many of the cages stayed intact but around 1,500 chickens were killed while hundreds of escaping birds were herded up an embankment by workers from the nearby Dogs 4 Rescue.
These birds are now being given away to "good homes".

... "Good homes" .. ? .. Umm ! .. I suspect mostly 'good homes' with Rotisserie ovens.

7:01 AM  

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