The Female Nomad … comes alive in POLAND
In 2001 Rita Golden Gelman’s amazing book Tales of a Female Nomad was published. I, literally, couldn’t put it down once I started reading. Rita writes of giving up most of her worldly belongings and leading a nomadic existence in the world at large. Her adventures and the insight that she gains from her travels is mind boggling.

Although we are far from being intimate pals we have kept in touch since then. I am on a list of friends who travel with her by email and it is a never-ending adventure. She always stays with locals, whether it be in a mud hut or a guesthouse. She is the exact opposite of the “ugly American” as she wanders the globe making friends and advocating for world peace. We are so lucky to have her representing our country.
Her latest email was sent from Warsaw where the Polish version of Talesof a Female Nomad was being launched on Oct. 17th. I’m so happy for Rita and hope it will be a huge success.
If you haven’t read this book I highly recommend it… but make sure you have plenty of reading time. You won’t want to put it down !
Have you blogged about her before? I am feeling some familiarity. (No problem. Just curious.)
In answer to AC ... I've written about meeting her and also about her wonderful gap year program for students. If any of you want to google her at Rita Golden Gelman you will find her amazing website. At her age she is still going strong.
I just ordered her book. Like AC, she seems a bit familiar, but I don't think I've read her book.
Will check her website next.
It sounds like Rita would have some amazing stories. I would be interested in her her book.
Love Di ♥
I'm always on the lookout for a good read. thanks
She sounds fascinating. I didn't realize you were so tall. Dianne
Thanks for the reading recommendation, Ginnie. Rita indeed seems to be an amazing woman and I will also be checking her website later today. So nice that you and she keep in contact and were able to meet.
Nice that you were able to meet her and that she travels the globe staying with others and meeting new people.
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