A new look to an old standby …

A friend and I spent a lovely few hours this week at the Pik ‘n Pig, a restaurant in a nearby town that specializes in homemade barbecue. It’s not my favorite food but it’s fun to sit outside and watch the small planes land.
I hadn’t been there for a few years and was very surprised to see all the changes that have been made. As you can see in the pictures two memorials and a replica War plane are now on display. One plaque is in memory of a Moore County native son, James McConnell who fought in WWI and the other honors Lt. Robert Hoyle Upchurch, a WWII airman who was a member of Chennaults “Flying Tigers” prior to the United States entry into the war.

I know you told me about that place. Maybe I can go there after I see my surgeon on the 14th!
I always figured yiz wuz just plane folk.
Sometimes the most interesting things show up in the most unexpected places....:)
All that and fried pickles, too! How cool is that?
Glad you had a fun day!
Fried Pickles ?? I can see my food education is lacking.
I love it when the true heroes get proper notice.
nice seeing this post once before and now again...in case you didn't know it speared twice, Ginnie.
You both look sunny. A lovely way to spend a day.
It looks like a good time and I'm sure the food was great.
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