2 photos…same place, same day !!

Can you believe it? These two pictures were taken (March, 2006) on the same day in the same place ... Palm Springs, California. I was visiting my good friends Ted and Dwayne and took the top photo from the balcony of their apartment.
Later that day we journeyed to the mountains that are in the background of that picture. We took an aerial tram up the side of the mountain and in less than 10 minutes we’d jumped from a comfortable day in the 70’s to the winter wonderland that you see in Photo #2.
It was really an eerie experience. The air was at least 40 degrees colder up top than in the desert below and the snow was thick and lush. I was glad that I’d been forewarned to wear heavy clothing and gloves.
Some of the hardier folks set out to walk the nature trails and I was told that burro rides were available, if that would be more to my liking. But I was perfectly satisfied to stay where I was ... a steaming cup of coffee in my hands, an awesome view at my disposal and the knowledge that I could leave winter behind me with just the aid of a short tram ride down the mountain.
That's quite a contrast. That change in elevation is worth a few thousand miles of latitude.
That is interesting how different the climate can be in a vertical topography. It has been cold here. I am sure it is also cold in NC.
Wow, how cool! We used to do that in Turkey... go from short sleeved clothes to skis in a matter of an hour climbing up the mountain.
Amazing, isn't it?
Now THAT's the kind of winter I like - the kind you can quickly leave behind! LOL
Such contrast, so beautiful is mother nature
Out of the two scenes, I prefer the snow one best, Ginnie. Amazing how a change in altitude can bring such a change in the weater too.
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