The sure-fire plan for STRESS REDUCTION

I listened to a Talk Show recently and they spoke in depth about stress and the reducing of same. One of the exercises seemed uncomplicated and something that I could handle. You simply settled back in the most comfortable position of your choice, closed your eyes and started counting slowly ... the whole time visualizing your stresses taking wing.
“OK “ I thought, “here I go” ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR,…..I barely made it to FIVE before I saw my auto insurance payment sprouting wings and drifting away. Next went my commitment to serve on a useless committee, followed closely by money lending requests ... all of them wrapped neatly in packages and flying off with the aid of their little wings.
“Wow, this is really working” I thought. SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT ... and suddenly I’m taking flight. I can’t see my own wings, of course, but I trust that they have sprouted. I feel myself being lifted high and I float with ease and complete serenity. I wonder where I am but it doesn’t really matter. I am stress free and it’s an amazing feeling.
Now I feel myself gently settling back to earth... only it’s not earth that I touch. It’s a sort of plank that I’m on and I’m still counting...FIVE HUNDRED AND TWO, FIVE HUNDRED AND THREE… The fog seems to be lifting and I see below me a large expanse of water.
If I’m not mistaken I’m “walking the plank” and I try desperately to stop counting. I can see the water roiling below me and the end of the plank is getting closer and closer...but I can’t stop the count. I’m up to FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN and a great weight is pushing me off the edge.
As I plunge to my inevitable death I wonder what happened to my wings. I hit the water and realize that there’s nothing that can save me now. I can’t swim and I’m taking on water fast. I can’t remember a more stressful time in my life, but I keep counting. FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY, FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE...
Suddenly, with a jolt, I am awakened and I find that I’m back in my own room on my recliner. I breathe a huge sigh of relief and suddenly my actual stresses seem mediocre at best. “I can handle those“, I say to myself, “this counting thing really works”.