MEETING MARTHA … another blogger relationship

We, in the blogging world, know how much fun it is to actually meet the friends that we’ve met on the computer. My recent visit and lunch date with Martha was one of those times.
I had planned my usual trip North to see my daughter and her husband in NY State. I take Rt. 81 North through Virginia and it bypasses where Martha works, so it proved to be the perfect opportunity to meet her for lunch. She is an award-winning roving reporter for the public radio station WMRA in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Martha’s website is called “Bouncing Off The Bottom” and is of special interest to a lot of us in recovery. Her book, “How to Stop Screwing Up” is her take on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous...but it’s written to include anyone who wants to change their life.
How often have I heard our AA members state that they wished their spouse (friend, family member, etc.) could benefit from our program. As the back cover of her book states: “You don’t have to be addicted to booze or drugs to work the Twelve Steps: you simply have to want to stop whatever behavior is slowly stealing the pleasure from your life”. Amen to that. It is a wonderful book.
Now to our lunch date. Martha met me at a designated place and we proceeded to a wonderful restaurant in the heart of Harrisonburg...a place I would never have found on my own. But the delicious food was just a small part of the hour or so that we spent together.
Martha is not only beautiful, but she exudes a love of life and an enthusiasm for every aspect of what’s happening in our world. We practically stumbled over our words as we jumped from topic to topic. It was so much fun to finally put a face to my blogging friend.
Martha is a bundle of energy and, besides her full time job as a reporter (which often entails traveling), she is working on her second book. We talked at length about that and of the revisions that she wanted to present to her publisher. I felt honored to be in on the “ground floor” and will be interested to see the final product.
Our lunch date was too short but it was the highlight of my trip North. It was just another example of how the blogging world opens doors to friendships that would be impossible without the computer.
You have learned what I already know from meeting seven other bloggers! Good for you, Ginnie. I know that both you and Martha will gain from having met in person. Maybe we can arrange that someday soon. I will be in Pinehurst tomorrow and Sat. for the Jimmy V golf gala, but I'll be working hard - so no meetups this time.
Ginnie--what a great story about meeting a fellow blogger.
This is something I have not done--but I am glad you have done so.
These experiences always seem to work out well. Good for you to take a bit of a chance.
Glad that you could meet Martha. Her blog is great and she has a lot of talent. Thanks for writing about the experience here.
After almost 8 months in this blogging world, I now come across Terris's and now yours...
I need not travel far now on any jet planes to see the photos, blog writes and experiences told all that needed be known.
Thank you for sharing. If you have a little time to spare, do click on my blog...a simple one.
Wasn't I excited to see your write in my humble blog.
I am thrilled and honored.
Sorry the other message should have read....
"...and experiences ARE all needed be known and shared".
I live in Kuala Lumpur,'s to the south of Thailand and North of Singapore.
Yes, You could try looking in the map.
I am glad you like my blog. Those glass paintings, I painted them myself. You like them.
Ginnie, you do get around and I love to read about it. Thanks for sharing.
Meeting bloggers is fun! I have met several and it's always great to put the person with the blog.
I have added a couple of links in my blog for easy browsing of m beloved country and my birth place...
Enjoy sightseeing...and feel the warmth of our abundance sunshines and its people...
To other bloggers who come by Ginnie's blog base, please take a shot and welcome to mine.
See you around.
I have found another map for you...Malaysia map -Petaling Jaya - that's where we now live - close to University in red dot...
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