Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Friggatriskaidekaphobic …… NOT ME !!

Just for the fun of it I looked up the actual day of my birth, February 15, 1933 and it turned out to be a Wednesday. So, according to the old nursery rhyme “Monday’s Child” that means I came into this world “full of woe”. Now, I ask you, does this look like a woeful child to you?

So there goes that theory ! Superstitions are just a bunch of hooey… including that most famous one of all, fear of Friday the 13th , also known as Friggatriskaidekaphobia. (Wow, the name alone is enough to scare a person!)

But, wait a minute … what about my fear of the 22nd day of any month? For years and years I have refused to travel on that date and will actually plan trips to make sure I will be off the road then. It started when my father died on Feb. 22, 1960. I didn’t realize it then but over the years the amount of unfortunate happenings on that date started to add up …some of them actually traumatic. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed on Nov. 22nd, 1963, a few years later a young friend was killed in an auto accident on May 22 and it was no surprise to me at all when my husband died on September 22nd 1990.

I guess what it boils down to is that no matter how much I’d like to be above the fray I have to admit that I’m just as superstitious as the next guy. Whether good or bad superstitions seem to have a significant power over us and I guess it’s better to give in to that than to fight it.

A few days ago a “black cat crossed my path” just before I “walked under a ladder” but I wasn’t worried. I‘d “crossed my fingers” AND “knocked on wood” before I left the house …

…it never hurts to take a few precautions !


Blogger kenju said...

That's funny. I really can't think of any superstitions I have, and certainly not the number 22 - which has always been a favorite of mine.

You were adorable as a baby!

4:17 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Some of my favourite hockey players have worn #22. Just sayin ... :)

3:21 AM  
Blogger troutbirder said...

Cute baby. And I've always wonder about the athletes who have a really good game and then wear the same "lucky" underwear the rest of the season....;)

11:53 AM  
Blogger Syd said...

I am not superstitious but do have premonitions of things. However, those "coincidences" on the 22nd. would make me a bit wary.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I do not consider myself superstitious, Ginnie, I do believe in premonitions. I have learned to trust my instinct when deciding whether or not to do something, based on past experiences.

4:55 AM  
Anonymous schmidleysscribblins, said...

Some superstitions are warrented. Friday 13th was bad luck for the Knights Templar as the Pope seized their leader and wealth and banned the order on that day. As the Knights Templar were the inspiration for the Masonic order and Masons were our founders their ideas lived on despite opression.

As for black cats, I love them and I never walk under ladders. If I spill salt I throw some over my left shoulder. I was born on Monday and was indeed fair of face. Like Friday's child, I also worked hard for a living. Dianne

7:30 AM  
Blogger KGMom said...

Ha ha, Ginnie. I am too logical to be superstitious. Plus, I am a Tuesday child--full of grace...NOT. So much for predictive child's rhymes.

6:27 PM  
Blogger joared said...

I think of myself as not being superstitious, but often find myself doing the "knock on wood" thing -- just in case, I guess.

A tip of the hat to you for even being able to spelling that Frigga....word. Reminds me of the intriguing flash fiction piece "Daddy Dearest" about phobias I linked to in my April 14th post -- author in my writing group.

6:41 PM  
Blogger joared said...

I think of myself as not being superstitious, but often find myself doing the "knock on wood" thing -- just in case, I guess.

A tip of the hat to you for even being able to spelling that Frigga....word. Reminds me of the intriguing flash fiction piece "Daddy Dearest" about phobias I linked to in my April 14th post -- author in my writing group.

6:41 PM  

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