Stranger than fiction … BUSCAPADES (Part 2)

And here’s my mother’s bus tale: (remember this was the 1940’s and Dr’s visits were very different than they are today.)
“I had been having some difficulty and when I called the Dr. his nurse gave me an appointment the next day and told me to be sure to bring in a urine sample.
I found that I didn’t have anything in which to transport the urine and then I remembered the ornate perfume bottle that I had kept because I loved the shape. It had a very secure stopper and I thought it would be perfect. I washed it out thoroughly and was very pleased with myself. I figured I could get the bottle back after the contents were tested at the doctor‘s office.
The next day I got ready to leave and, after I’d filled the bottle, I was quite amused to see how much the urine actually resembled the color of most perfumes. I put the bottle in a paper bag and set out to catch the bus. I was surprised to see that the bus was already at the stop and I had to run in order to not miss it. I was quite flustered by this as I would have been late for my doctor’s appointment if I‘d had to wait for the next bus.
However it all worked out and I made it to the Dr’s on time The only problem was, in my hurry, I’d left the paper bag with the filled bottle on the bus !!
At first I was devastated. I’d really loved that little perfume bottle, not to mention the fact that I no longer had my urine sample. When I told my sad tale, however, the Dr. and his nurse broke out laughing. It was then that I saw the humor in it too.
I’ve always wondered where that bottle ended up. I have visions of a young man in love coming across that “find” and being thrilled to have something of such value to give to his beloved !
I hope she was understanding …”