Aunt Emma’s Halloween “Treat” …

I introduced you to my great Aunt Emma in my last blog entry, and since Halloween is just around the corner, I thought you might enjoy this story about her too.
As I mentioned Aunt Emma was a very frugal New Englander and she lived a simple life; but she did have one passion that I was aware of. She loved gardening, in all it’s forms. Her vegetable garden took up most of the back lawn and she harvested enough from that to last her through the winter.
Her showpiece, however, was at the front of her house. That was where she planted her roses. They took up most of the small front lawn and were separated from the sidewalk by an evergreen hedge that she kept neatly trimmed.
The story goes that the morning after Halloween Aunt Emma walked out front to find that her rose bushes and the hedge border had been completely smothered in toilet paper. A lesser person might have been upset by this but she took it in stride.
She came outside with a wooden dowel and preceded to wind the paper around it. The boys had used at least three rolls to cover her foliage so she had a huge ball when she was done…enough to last a long time and it was FREE!
I’m sure this wasn’t the result that the little Halloween Hooligans were looking for but it must have made the day for Aunt Emma.