Guess who came to dinner … in little old Vass, no less !

Yup…it’s none other than JIMMY CARTER.
Jimmy Carter, who served our country as President from 1977 to 1981, was in Pinehurst for the wedding of his great-nephew, Jason Stapleton.
I understand that he arrived Friday night in time to attend the rehearsal dinner. The actual wedding was the next day and it was after that when the party made it’s way to the reception held at the Woodlake Country Club, a golfing community in my little town of Vass.
You pass right by my house (circa 1902) to get there …

… and you arrive at the historic Oates House (circa 1792) in Woodlake for the reception.

Now which one would you choose???
Jimmy Carter may be many things to many people but he’s definitely not a snob … his advocacy for human rights and his myriad of projects aimed to make life easier for the underdog has proved that.
Soooo… I like to think that, if he’d been given his “druthers”, he would at least have stopped for tea ! But I guess those darn Special Agents of the Secret Service had other ideas.
Maybe next time !
I'm sure the people at the the little house were nicer and more interesting.
Ginny, I know which house i would have chosen to come for tea - the circa 1902 one.
Glad to know you were safe during the recent tornado strikes, and 25 miles is too close for comfort.
That reception site is a beautiful place, but I'd prefer your home!!
As long as he brings some good peanuts with, tea would be good!
Love Di ♥
I like your house much better. I always think of practical matters with regard to housing such as who will dust and who will mow the lawn. Dianne
I did not appreciate Jimmy Carter when he was president...Well, I was not into politics at all back then, But I have come to appreciate the great man he truly is. And in his measure of greatness is that had you issued an invitation, he just might have shown up! Of course, you would have had a dozen black suits prowling your place for a week beforehand.... I wonder if he likes honey in his tea?
I definitely know which place I would choose... (Got any honey with that tea?)
I like your house better too. It looks as if it has character and is welcoming.
I am sure that he would have stopped to chat. He is that kind of fellow.
I like Jimmy Carter. He is the best ex-President the United States have ever had. He was and is too good a person to be President. He has done more for people and the United States through his efforts for such things as Habitat for Humanity and The Carter Center as well as his personal private diplomacy on behalf of the United States around the world. (I believe he is currently in North Korea).
Too bad Jimmy Carter did notr drop in for tea with you. I imagine he is interesting and charming.
I hope to get back to Western NOrth Carolina for a vacation some time. I keep getting notices of lovely B & B places to stay in "them thar hills".
I happen to live in woodlake an happened to be walking by when he was ib the limo he waved which was suprising thought he would be a snob he wasonly 3 houses down from me
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