It’s just SOOOO sad. An emergency run to the hospital for a “hiatal hernia problem” and then Rehab…surprise, surprise. I’m actually a bit astounded that his medical problem isn’t lodged a little closer to his anal canal … being the “A--hole” that he is !
His TV show “Two and a Half Men” has been a No. 1 hit for over two years and I find that incredibly sad. He denigrates women, he overindulges in everything and there is a constant undertone of off-color humor that we, the public, seem to lap up and make our own. Whatever happened to tenderness, understanding and just plain love and awe of life?
In case you’re wondering why I am so disgusted with Charlie Sheen it may have to do with the fact that I watch homes being destroyed every day by alcohol and drugs. His TV show stops just short of telling it like it really is and I’m sure it wouldn’t be a hit if it did. We find it so funny when he complains of a hangover or is found in the wrong place after a nighttime of “frivolity”.
How would we feel if we saw the real facts … a beaten wife, the children petrified to speak, the house a wreck and our beloved
“star” engrossed in porn?
The producers of “Two and a Half Men” have put the show on Hiatus and state: “We are profoundly concerned for his health and well-being, and support his decision”. That sounds an awful lot like enabling to me. I guess if you make enough money all else goes by the board.
(I have to admit that my emotions are very close to the surface and with good reason. Last Saturday I attended the funeral service of a dear friend who died of liver and kidney failure. He had tried AA in 1992 but didn’t last. When he died he had four years of sobriety. He was only 52!)