My oldest son Mark graduated from the School of Architecture at the State University of NY in Buffalo in 1991. He then remained there and got his Master’s Degree.
Since then he has been working with a firm in the area where I live. It is wonderful to have him nearby but the poor economy has been devastating for his field. It seems that the days of hiring expensive Architectural firms may be on the way out.
With this in mind he has decided to expand his horizons and see if he can make a go of it on his own in the drafting field. Any new enterprise is a challenge so we are anxious to see what transpires.
However I can’t help but think that he will be successful when I look at his outstanding business card. The simple lines of his logo belie the fact that he spent many hours creating it.
Design development has always been his strong point so I can’t wait to see how his artistic creativity will be put to use.
(PS: he just got his first assignment !!)
Tell Mark I wish him the very best of luck!! The logo is really good and the card bespeaks class!
I have heard of several architects who are having difficulty working in the field of their training.
That's too bad--I think all great civilizations are marked by their buildings.
I wish your son much success.
Good luck to the boy!
NIce design, good looking card.
I wish him well.
The love of my life was an architect, but his favorite thing was old house restoration. He has houses, old restored ones and new all over the shore... like monuments to his memory. It still catches me in the chest when I drive by one and remember it on his drawing table, or the 2 of us sitting on the floor looking at the existing elevations and trying to decide just how to put this or that on - a balcony, a sleeping porch, an outside stairway... One of his restored houses is on the Garden Tour this year.
The market will come back...
I echo good wishes for him in his new business. His card is very well done.
All the best of luck to your son Ginnie! Pursuing a new business can be difficult.I think it's wonderful that he's giving it a go!
Love Di ♥
I wish your son well on a new venture. I can still remember when my father began an electrical contracting business. It was exciting for him and a little nervous time for my mother.
How proud you are, and how wonderful it is, to see that your son is out there dong something he loves...and doing it well too :)
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