Some of my long-time blog followers may remember when I first wrote about the buzzards that used to flock to the huge trees that rimmed my property. (“PROGRESS” defeats my TURKEY BUZZARDS” , Nov. 2007)
The trees were part of a 50 acre plot that was bought by a developer and the first thing he did was strip the land of lumber, leaving it bare and ugly. That was in 2007 and it ended my love affair with the buzzards. They simply disappeared from my property because they had no lofty branches to beckon them.
I missed them terribly because I always had the feeling that they were watching over me. As I mentioned before … “I loved to watch them leave their perches in the morning. They would slowly shake themselves awake and then, just as slowly, lift their huge wings and swoop on up and into the air. But they always circled back at least once, as if to say, “We’ll be back. Have a nice day.”
Imagine my delight when I went in to our little town this evening and saw them circling and landing on the water tower. Of course it’s not the same as having them within the distance of my house but at least I know that they are nearby.
I gave them a wave after I took the picture and, if I’m not mistaken, they remembered me. How do I know? They sent that lone buzzard out to dip his wings at me before he settled down with the rest !