I almost never come into my house by the front door. I have a nice wide porch that spans the width of the house and, over the winter, I would sweep it occasionally but that’s about it.
I guess you could say that I have a “back door house” and friends and family normally enter by way of the deck. That’s why it was a complete surprise for me to come across this sweet scene.
I decided it was time for a “Spring cleaning” outside, now that the pollen seems to have abated, and I started out front. With broom in hand I approached the porch and started to move the furniture before sweeping. I noticed that a bunch of leaves seemed to have blown together on top of a 3-tier wrought iron piece where I usually put fresh flowers in season.
Imagine my surprise when I tried to move it and a startled little Carolina Wren flew out. She had been protecting her eggs and I quickly realized it was her nest.

As soon as I took the picture of her nest I left her alone and now I’ve been carefully monitoring the progress. I’ve counted six eggs but no action so far.
I pray that the little ones will be OK but I fear that the nest is too open to temptation. We have a bevy of feral cats that roam the area and I can’t imagine how Mama will protect her babies. Maybe I can rig up a screen type of thing that surrounds the nest but lets her fly in through the top. Any ideas??