Sunday, September 06, 2015

No longer a laughing matter:

Can you imagine giving this man the power to lead our nation? The simple fact that he would have the authority to push the fabled “red button” is enough to keep me awake at night.  I am not endorsing anyone or taking sides. I am just trying to understand what is happening.

No matter if we like it or not it’s a fact that we are laughed at or hated in many parts of the world. It’s an awesome task to keep it all in perspective and I believe it takes a person with the ability to LISTEN to all sides before making judgements that can do this.  Just imagine Putin, the self-adoring leader of Russia, in diplomatic talks with a US president whose ego was even greater than his!

You might notice that I have not identified the man in the picture by name but it’s a cinch that everyone reading this knows who it is!   That’s power… and I’ll bet that the rest of the candidates for the top Republican spot would give anything to possess it.  “The Donald” knows how to work a crowd and maybe we owe him a big thanks for demonstrating how easy it is to control the thinking of such a crowd.  It should be a startling wake-up call for all of us. 

Isn’t it time that we as a nation come to understand that we are part of the whole world?  Our country is founded by immigrants and it’s the blending of all these ethnicities that have made us what we are.  Why do we downplay this?  What do we fear?  We are the richest nation in the world yet we resist sharing any of it.  Is our “stuff” worth it?  Can we afford to turn a blind eye to the simmering hatred and anger that is building every day in our own nation? Will it ever cease or will it be the end of us? 

Scary questions but ones that we need to face and overcome if we are to remain a viable part of this amazing world where we all co-exist.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Excellent post. No, it's no longer funny but scary.

3:11 AM  
Blogger lucylocket said...

Well said.

6:21 AM  
Blogger NCmountainwoman said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm still hoping the polls are really a bunch of the same people who say "Mickey Mouse" and that they are not seriously thinking Trump is presidential material. His disdain for political correctness opens the doors for derogatory statements becoming acceptable. And I blame the "media" for continuing to give him a platform.

8:06 AM  
Blogger possum said...

Boy, you really summed it up.
It would be funny if it were in a movie. A farce we would call it. Hell, just looking at him makes one expect a farce... but, sadly, he is real, and that scares me the most.
Then, again, listen to the hatred that comes out of so many of the others, especially when they are invoking what they consider their god... and maybe they don't look as stupid (except for that one guy) but they sure sound it.
And we thought Palin was dumb! Well, OK, she is... but it seems to be contagious!

Mostly I hate that we are now both the laughing stock of the world and considered the most violent. That is sad.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Republicans nominate him, I'm voting for Hillary. My guy of the moment is John Kasich, governor of Ohio!

6:37 AM  
Blogger ellen said...

I can't say it any better than those who have commented before me. My lord, it scares the hell out of me.

6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an Englishman I hesitate to comment on American politicians, but I have to ask .. "where do you find them ?" .. I see that Palin recently said that she wants immigrants to speak "American". She forgot that our common (sometimes) language is ... ENGLISH !

6:40 AM  
Blogger kenju said...

He is a pompous ass. I keep hoping that his loose lips will sink his ship, but it seems that no matter how ridiculous or mean he gets, his numbers go up. It speaks columns about the kind of people we have in the U.S. now.

6:44 AM  
Blogger kenju said...

He is a pompous ass. I keep hoping that his loose lips will sink his ship, but it seems that no matter how ridiculous or mean he gets, his numbers go up. It speaks columns about the kind of people we have in the U.S. now.

6:44 AM  

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