An appreciative customer …
I have three children and they are all self employed, as was my late husband. It takes a lot of drive and acceptance to be able to withstand some of the uncertainties of free-lancing but they seem to handle it well.
Facing, and satisfying, the public is not an easy task so it’s always a boon when a customer appreciates a job that’s been done and demonstrates their thanks above and beyond paying the bill.
My middle child, an avid New York Giants fan, had just that experience this week. He’d remodeled a kitchen early in the month and he and the owner had many spirited conversations about the Super Bowl.

Needless to say they were on opposite sides and it was with great glee that Matt cheered on the Giants, who were the winners!
Now fast forward to this week when he received a call from his customer who told him he’d been surfing the web and couldn’t resist purchasing a certain gift for him. And here it is …

… a retro style New York Giants toaster that actually toasts bread with the team’s logo ! Not exactly a “must have” but a fun addition to the kitchen and special because it came from a thoughtful and fun-loving customer .
Facing, and satisfying, the public is not an easy task so it’s always a boon when a customer appreciates a job that’s been done and demonstrates their thanks above and beyond paying the bill.
My middle child, an avid New York Giants fan, had just that experience this week. He’d remodeled a kitchen early in the month and he and the owner had many spirited conversations about the Super Bowl.

Needless to say they were on opposite sides and it was with great glee that Matt cheered on the Giants, who were the winners!
Now fast forward to this week when he received a call from his customer who told him he’d been surfing the web and couldn’t resist purchasing a certain gift for him. And here it is …

… a retro style New York Giants toaster that actually toasts bread with the team’s logo ! Not exactly a “must have” but a fun addition to the kitchen and special because it came from a thoughtful and fun-loving customer .