…or, at least, we THINK its Anglee. She’s one of two Black Cochins that my daughter and her husband brought South with them in December. The other gal is LeeAnn and they are dead ringers for each other. My daughter can tell them apart by their distinct characteristics but in a photo it’s near impossible.
Isn’t she gorgeous, regardless of name? And a bit haughty too I might add. She seems to be more than a little annoyed that this strange old lady is taking her picture. But, in reality, they are both very friendly. They love to strut their black, fluffy selves around the cage like royalty…clucking to their heart’s content.
We have two other chickens and they are very sweet also; but, they are the more usual varieties and much smaller. Plato is a Red Star and her sister Socrates is a Comet. They seem to like a good petting much more than the Cochins.
I did a little research on Cochins and found that they were imported to England and the United States in the 1800’s from China. It is said that Queen Victoria received a pair of them as a gift and that she became greatly enamored with the breed.
The interesting thing that I found was that all the descriptions of Cochins that I read said they laid brown eggs. Here is a picture of the ones I gathered today from LeeAnn and Anglee and they are definitely a soft, sage green on the outside with a Robin‘s egg blue lining inside. I wonder what that’s all about?? Do any of you farmers know?