Growing older doesn't mean that my mental abilities will automatically be decreased. Maintaining an active mind is the key to staving off mind loss and Alzheimer’s, say the experts. With this in mind I have two favorite exercises that I practice every day. The first one is reading.
I listened recently to an authority on sleeplessness and he stated that one should never read in bed. I guess his reasoning was that reading would stimulate the mind and tend to keep the reader awake. It acts precisely the opposite way for me and the last thing I do every night is read a chapter or two. It works better than a sleeping pill.
My second exercise is working a crossword puzzle. I do this in bed also...first the puzzle and then the book. I'm definitely a creature of habit.
I don’t like to think that I have an obsession to working crossword puzzles but an unsolved one, wherever I find it, is definitely a lure. That’s why I had to laugh when I saw this cartoon.
I remember so clearly being stuck in a Doctor’s office, waiting to be worked in and knowing I would be the last patient of the day. I spied the local paper and was comforted by the fact that I could while away the time by doing the crossword puzzle. When I opened the paper and found that the puzzle had been cut out I almost cried with frustration.
Joseph Addison has said, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. I would add crossword puzzles to that. A daily dose of the two of them present me with a mental playground where I can romp to my heart’s content.