At least three time a year I make the trip from North Carolina to New York State where my daughter and her husband live. This year is memorable because I added two new adventures to the journey.
I had made arrangements to meet Colleen of Loose Leaf Notebooks in Floyd, Va. on Friday morning. I was able to do this because my good friend Denise has a second home in Fancy Gap, Va. and we drove there on Thursday afternoon. Her house is rustically spectacular and the views (when the fog rolled out) were breath-taking. We did what females seem to do best...we ate and talked and made plans for a longer visit next time.
In the morning I chose to drive the Blue Ridge Pkwy. to Floyd. That was a treat in itself. It had been drizzling but then the sun came out & everything took on a sparkle, as if diamond flecks had been sprinkled from the heavens. Before I knew it I was at the Cafe del Sol and meeting Colleen. She is exactly as I had pictured her and it took no time at all to feel as if we were old friends. We found that we had much in common. Her blog has always been one of my favorites and will be of even more interest now that I've seen her in the surroundings that she loves to write about.
By 11:30 I was back on the road, wending my way North on Rt. 81. It is one of my favorite trips and the pictures that I show here are ones that I've taken over the years. They are barns & farm structures along this route that caught my fancy. Isn't it strange that we go to great lengths to keep our houses trim, painted and pristine, but when it comes to this type of building it's just the opposite? So often it's the tilt of the structure or the way it is placed on the land that gives it that particular charm that we crave.
Now I am with my daughter and her husband in Columbia County, NY. They have a house that is perched atop 10 acres of greenery with lovely views of the mountains. The feeling of peace and contentment I get while I am visiting their home is incredible. I never tire of watching the changing seasons and I love the deep toll of the bell that Brian designed from an acetylene tank. The least breeze will set it ringing.
The threat of snow and frigid air will send me South again. I'm not as rugged as I used to be, but the memories of this wonderful trip will warm me until I can do it again next Spring.
Indeed...who doesn't like a good old picturesque barn. A great subject anytime.
Sounds like you are having a great trip and enjoying the adventure.
Now, that is the kind of photography I love. Never underestimate the possibilities of fog though. Thank you!
Ginnie, this is wonderfully told. It's so nice to know what happened next after we parted. I can almost hear that bell!
Depending whereabouts you are in NYS, we're not all that far away. There is some colour left (maybe a little more there), so enjoy it.
Ginnie You make me feel as if I were traveling along with you.
Sounds like you really enjoyed your trip and I know meeting Colleen was a lot of fun.
Your daughter's place sounds like pure tranquility. How nice you got to savor some of it.
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