I’ve just begun to blog and here I am leaving you. Believe me it will be temporary.
A Hiatus is defined as: “a gap or interruption in space, time or continuity...a break”.
That is what this will be...simply a three week break. I have some traveling plans and it includes a visit to my daughter and her husband in NY State and to a niece and family in Anchorage, Alaska.
I feel like I’ve acquired a new family and I will miss each and every one of you. I will check your blogs when I can get to a computer and should be back to posting my own by the last week in August.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement. ‘bye for now………Ginnie
Wow...that's a long hiatus and we'll miss you!
But have a safe trip and come back with more stories and photos to share with us.
Take care and have a great time.
Have a glorious trip!
God bless...
Bye - Bye!
Have fun!
Enjoy yourself, Ginnie!
Have a wonderful and safe trip. :)
Ginnie, I just got back from Yorkshire and see that you are in Alaska! Don't get bitten by the mosquitoes. I've heard that they get huge in the summer over there ;)
Have a great trip. (am trying to catch up with my blog reading!)
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