This self-portrait by Norman Rockwell shows that even the most prolific of artists will hit a wall once in a while. It depicts him approaching a deadline with no idea in mind ... so he used that as his theme and it became the October 1938 cover of the "Saturday Evening Post".
I'm taking my cue from Mr. Rockwell and using the "writer's block" that is plaguing me lately as my topic for this post. As most of you know my blog is actually made up of little vignettes of a lifetime of memories and of current things that I want to share with you. That's my format and it works well except for times like this when my mind goes blank.
I'm pretty sure that some of you have experienced the same thing and I'd be interested to hear how you've handled it. I want to keep my blog going and I really like the format but I also don't want to fill my pages with mindless blue sky ... or a constant obsession with the McConnell Republicans ... so I guess I'll give it a few days and see what pops up.
At the very least it's a great mental exercise and I, at the grand old age of 88, can certainly use that !