Getting ahead of the Cicadas …
Here I am at my children’s home in Columbia County, New York. I, with the help of my two canine friends, was trying desperately to get this little table painted before the Cicadas arrived at our doorstep. I could hear them clearly and the sound was getting more dense and much closer as I sat there.
This was the beginning of the cicada invasion. Every 17 years billions of cicadas crawl out of their ground burrows and inundate certain areas of the country. This year it was the Hudson Valley, NY and parts of New England and it was just my luck that it coincided with my three week visit there !!
Unlike an invasion of locusts, the cicadas pose no danger to people or pets but it was still a bit disarming to be in the midst of them flitting by the droves from tree to tree and landing on anything handy … including humans. I have to admit it was fascinating … but I also have to admit that I was very glad to be in the confines of our car !